Penetrant Testing (PT)

   Penetrant Testing (PT) is a nondestructive testing (NDT) technique that is used to reveal surface breaking flaws by bleed out of a colored or fluorescent dye from the flaw. 

Scientific Explanation
   Muayene yüzeyine açık süreksizlikler içine kapiler etki ile nüfuz etmiş olan penetrant sıvısı geliştirici tarafından tekrar yüzeye çekilerek süreksizlik belirtileri elde edilir. Süreksizlikler çatlak türü ise çizgisel belirtiler, gözenek türü ise yuvarlak belirtiler elde edilir.
Application Areas 
  Can be used for the detection of expected surface defects in all metallic or non-metallic materials.
  If the examination piece has a very porous structure, it is not possible to apply this method healthy. Only surface defects can be detected. The absence of proper surface cleaning directly affects the result. An additional final cleaning may be required after the examination. The using of chemicals requires special care (eg chemical waste).


1. Pre-cleaning on the inspection surface

2. Application of penetrant

3. Waiting for penetration

4. Cleaning

5. Development

6. Examination

7. Evaluation and report preparation

8. Last cleaning